Your next special opportunity is an application away...

Dr. Seuss’s book “Oh, The Places You’ll Go” is one of my favorite books of all time. I read it to my graduating 12th grade IB class at the United World College in India, as a farewell message encouraging them to go after the incredible opportunities that lie ahead and be ready to win some, lose some, but “move mountains, 98% and 3/4 guaranteed” as long as they maintain the right attitude: the apply! attitude.
This attitude has personally led me to win opportunities of a lifetime, including a full scholarship to the United World College in Norway, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship to do my MBA and various awards and fellowships. Wanting to spread this attitude, and make opportunities more accessible to diverse applicants, made me found Application Shine.
So what does it take, to be a discoverer who leads a life of opportunities? it requires a can-do attitude, of course, but fundamentally requires:
finding the right job, scholarship, university program or fellowship for you and writing a stellar application.
There are so many opportunities to apply for nowadays, that there really is something for everyone. But finding the right opportunity and producing a winning application can be challenging.
Through Application Shine and this blog I hope to make opportunities more accessible to a more diverse pool of applicants, so that scholarships, fellowships, competitive jobs and impact-generating programs admit x10 worthy applicants who could use some help with telling their story.
“Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to great Places! You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. …Oh the Places You’ll Go!”
/ Dr. Seuss